Monday, January 10, 2011



+ you are such a boy.
+ you love dumping and smashing and crashing and wrecking and pulling and grunting and running.
+ i love giving you piggie back rides down the stairs and dumping you on the same couch.
+ i love the way you stare at me and blink, long blinks, over and over. we go back and forth blinking to each other as if saying " i love you more, no i love you MORE, no me more." 
+ i love your soft side. you adore your stuffed animals and squeeze them till their insides are going to burst. you love to lay your head on pillows and sigh in relief of comfort.
+ you love your daddy soooooooo much. as soon as you hear his voice when he gets home, you go bonkers and NEED him.

i love you son. xo


Anonymous said...

Boys just have a way of melting your heart, even when they are busy crazy and wild. Love the door on you wall, I soooooo badly want one of my own.

Caitlin said...

That sounds just like my boy. It's so crazy how different boys and girls are. BTW I love your new look. It's probably not new I just haven't been checking blogs of late. Hope you are doing well!

Chelsea said...

love. :)