Thursday, January 17, 2008

there has been alot of this going on around here....

and this!!!
not too thrilled that my baby is growing up.

i was inspired to do this and loved this idea.
so i whipped this up last night...

i am going to do a photo journal and add a photo every day for 30 days. excited. should be fun!


Tatum said...

First of all, I can't believe Callie! Even though I saw it with my own two eyes. She is just 6 months! What is she thinking trying to crawl? Secondly, you are amazing! just whipped that right up! Cute is an understatement. I am jealous of your creativity and talent. I think we should hangout more! Maybe, just maybe, some of that will rub off on me. Doubt it, but its fun anyway!

Lexi said...

That journal is a great idea! And I love how your just "whipped" that up. And you think you aren't that talented? How great that Callie is getting up on her hands and knees. You are so funny, you can't believe she is growing up and I wish mine were growing up (sometimes lol). The thing I hate about then growing up... Baby Fever

Erin said...

She is SO CUTE!! I just want to squeeze her. I can't wait to have a girl! When I see other little girls it just makes me so excited.