Monday, July 19, 2010

photos found on my camera. some happy, some sad.


horsey rides for all.


sewing with mommy.


what tired looks like.
i know, her face breaks my heart.


another tired, grumpy girl not wanting to go to bed.


veggie kabobs.


and fruit kabobs.

the end.


Traci said...

Love the horsey ride! haha
That pic of Callie :( cute but sad.
Fruit kabobs look yummy!

Mimi2five said...

Hi jess! I clicked on your blog this morning hopeing there would be something to bring a smile to my face before I go do my 10:30 to 9pm shift today! Thank you for the smile! I'll tuck it away and keep it handy for the times when I want to be somewhere else :) LOVE my job but some days it's just hard!

Chelsea said...

so cute! I love.
how did you get a swing in your backyard like that?
I want one so badly, when you had your shade put in did you request extra support or something so you could hang the swing? It's adorable!
Love the kabobs! Love the goodnight fussys! LOVE the horsey rides!

Jade said...

hi so i found your blog throgh katie weights and you totally don't know me but i love the
color yellow in your kitchen and i was wondering if you could tell me what color that is please! just leave a comment on my blog at!! Plaese thank you

mindy said...

she is one of the cutest little girls EVER!! shes on my top 10 list. haha. besides my nieces!! :) her big dimples!