Tuesday, October 19, 2010

walker, walking

:: walker at brown creek ::

my baby is walking! he is a cruiser, so fast, knows where he wants to go, and gets there in a hurry.
he LOVES to be outside. he will sit at the back door and just stare at all that he wants to explore. when the door finally opens, he is out there in no time, playing in the dirt, holding the hose, pulling the grass. he is such a boy & i love it.
other milestones and memories to remember:

his new favorite word, or grunt, is uh-oh. i think its absolutely the most adorable thing. melts my heart.

he loves to wrestle pillows. hilarious.

i cant help but smile every time he waves that little hand of his.

he adores his sisters and loves to laugh with them.

<<< i love you son. >>>


Ella A. said...

boys are special to their mama's. i know mine is. he is so big! cant believe he is walking. violet is 6 months now. can they stay babies a little longer???

Britney said...

i can't believe he's so grown up! walking is such a fun step. can't wait to see him!

shalynn said...

wasn't he JUST born? crazy!!! he's adorable!